Posts in Money Mindset
The Habits of the Wealthy: Building a Secure Future, One Habit at a Time

In their book "The Next Millionaire Next Door," Dr. Thomas Stanley and his daughter, Dr. Sarah Stanley Fallaw, delve into the lives of self-made millionaires, revealing some surprising truths. These "millionaires next door" aren't living flashy lifestyles. Instead, they are hard-working people who share six common behavioral traits (“wealth factors”) that paved the path to their financial success. 

Let's unpack these traits and see how to incorporate them into your financial journey.

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How to Secure Your Financial Legacy with Estate Planning

You're working hard to build wealth and lead a purposeful life where you have the freedom to make financial decisions that align with your values (no easy feat!). But with a proper plan, those decisions aren't confined to your lifetime.

How is that possible? Estate planning. It's a term you might have heard before, but if you never got to the bottom of what it is, why it's so important, and how you can use it to secure your financial legacy—now is your time to find out!

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A Guide to Financial Wellness: How to Build a Financial Future You Love

The beginning of every new year is filled with a renewed focus on health and wellness: eating better, exercising more, prioritizing mental health, and practicing self-care. All these small changes are important to your well-being, and with commitment, they can help you build a strong foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

The new year is also a great time to focus on financial health and improve your financial wellness. The benefits of financial wellness go far beyond financial stability alone. Financial wellness is a holistic approach to your financial health and brings with it lasting emotional and mental well-being that comes with effective money management.

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Building Wealth Beyond Your 9-to-5: How to Create Multiple Income Streams

The traditional concept of working a 9-5 job for approximately forty years until retirement is slowly losing its status as the standard way of living. Many workers are seeking time freedom, early retirement, flexible and remote working conditions, and ultimately, they want their money to work for them (not the other way around). If you want to step outside (or even just supplement) the traditional employment framework, discover our tips for obtaining a side hustle and creating multiple income streams. 

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Enjoy This Holiday Season: 5 Ways to Manage Your Finances and Minimize Stress

Even with the current economy of rising prices, high inflation, and feeling like our dollar isn’t going as far as it used to, Americans are still planning to spend lavishly on holiday shopping, with figures surpassing pre-pandemic levels. And even though they may be more discerning in their gift buying with higher prices and less purchasing power, almost 40% of consumers plan on spending more than they did last year.

Whether you plan on spending as much or more than you have in previous years or stick to a tight budget, minimizing your stress and maximizing your finances can be at the top of your priority list. 

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Small Business Hiring 101: A Step-by-Step Guide for Your First Hire

You've reached a point where your small business is thriving, and you can no longer be a one-person show. Congratulations! It's time to take that next big step — hiring your first employee. This is a significant leap, and while it might feel a bit overwhelming, we’re here to give you some tips to help make the process more smooth and straightforward.

Hiring your first employee is like adding a new character to the story of your business. You want to ensure they're a perfect fit, someone who can help you achieve your goals and take your company to the next level. So, let's jump into the exciting world of small business hiring and the employee onboarding process.

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Budgeting for Beginners: 5 Easy Steps to Get Your Budget Started Today

If you’ve never created a budget before and have no idea where to start, it can feel overwhelming and to be perfectly honest, not much fun. However, helping our clients create their very first budget is one of our favorite tasks because we know budgeting is the launching point of an organized and intentional financial life. 

While a budget is not a cure-all for all the financial woes you may be experiencing — in fact, most Americans do have a budget and still struggle with overspending — it’s still helpful to craft and utilize. 

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4 Time Management Hacks Every Small Business Owner Should Implement This Week

Ensuring that all of your resources are being maximized to their full potential is an essential part of managing your business well. Time management also helps you adapt to the ever-changing business environment, allowing you to keep up with new challenges and embrace new opportunities.

We want to share some of our favorite time management hacks that help keep our business (and personal lives) running smoothly and efficiently. 

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Unlock Financial Freedom: 5 Simple Strategies to Crush Your Debt

Debt can be a necessary tool that allows us to accomplish major dreams like getting a college education, starting a business, funding our first car, or purchasing a home. However, some consumer debts, like credit cards and personal loans, are sometimes the result of poor financial discipline and planning. 

If you’re struggling with lingering debt and want to know how to get out of debt quickly so you can move on to bigger and better things, we've got you covered! 

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Growing a Small Business: The Financial Support You Need at Different Stages

As a small business owner, you are (by no official definition) a unicorn! Your business origin story is unique, your leadership style is unlike others, and you solve problems and handle challenges in your own way. 

So while we don’t want to discredit your uniqueness, we do want to point your attention to a common small business life cycle that most entrepreneurs experience. Knowing these stages can help you prepare for upcoming challenges, face current struggles, and be equipped with knowledge and skills for the future. 

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Embracing Generosity: Top 4 Reasons to Include Giving in Your Financial Strategy

As a nation, we are very generous with one of our most precious resources: money. In 2020 alone, Americans gave $471 billion to charities. And with over 1.54 million charitable organizations (in our country alone) to choose from, it’s not hard to find a worthy cause. 
Many small businesses also encourage their employees to give their time and talents by volunteering locally. Small businesses often give more than their big business counterparts— 75% of small business owners give approximately 6% of their profits to charities every year.

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4 Surprising Ways a Spending Plan Can Create Fun and Feel Freeing

Most people don’t love the dreaded “B” word. The term budget can conjure feelings of restriction and thoughts of cash envelopes and eating ramen and beans. 

Others may think it’s completely unnecessary because they make decent money and don’t struggle with debt. Or maybe others have been previously shamed for being unable to stick to a budget. 

The truth is, everyone can benefit from a budget because it’s really just a plan for how you’re going to spend your money. You most likely have career plans, dinner plans, and vacation plans. Why not a plan for how you spend one of your most valuable resources? 

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3 Ways Women Approach Money Differently and 3 Financial Obstacles They Face

There are many differences between men and women, particularly when it comes to physical, behavioral, and emotional characteristics. 

Men are typically taller, stronger, and have more muscle mass than women, while women are typically more nurturing and empathetic. Men tend to categorize the world by tasks and keep their emotions under wrap, while women tend to categorize life by relationships and openly share their feelings. 

Each gender has its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to understand how these differences can lead men and women to approach certain topics, like personal finance, in unique ways. As women, this allows us to capitalize on our strengths and natural skills.

Personal finance for women is one of our favorite topics to talk about, so let’s dive into some areas where women approach money differently and three financial obstacles they must overcome!

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Many High-Earners Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck - How to Break the Cycle

A common misconception is that if only we earned more money, we would have a comfortable lifestyle, financial security, and the ability to afford all the luxuries we could possibly imagine. We would be happy and healthy and certainly not be living paycheck to paycheck. 

According to the paycheck-to-paycheck report from September 2022, approximately 45% of Americans earning over $100,000 say they live paycheck to paycheck. While approximately 47% of those making between $150,000 and $200,000 and 28% of those earning over $200,000 also report living paycheck to paycheck. 

It would seem that getting ahead financially is not simply a numbers game…. “earn more money and everything will be okay.”

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Another Finance Fight? Why It’s Important to Talk About Finances With Your Partner

When it comes to intimate relationships, money is often considered a topic to be avoided at all costs. We always think we should stay away from the subject for fear that it might put others off. Why bring up something that could make someone uncomfortable? Why bring up something so serious?

One of the top-cited reasons for divorce and breakups is financial differences or arguments about money.

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Top 5 Financial Mistakes That Will Prevent You From Building Personal Wealth

The first step in building personal wealth is to understand our beliefs and values surrounding money. We can know all the best tips and tricks to implement, but if we don’t first believe we can build wealth, we won’t succeed. This positive mindset allows us to take on the challenge of wealth-building and surpass our wildest financial dreams. 

We also need to understand that money is a tool. Money should never be a goal in and of itself, but rather a means to accomplish our ultimate dreams. 

With all this being said, you’ll want to look out for these common stumbling blocks that can get in the way of personal wealth building. We want to dive into five financial mistakes that we often see so you can be on your way to building the life you always dreamed.

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Tired of New Year’s Resolutions That Always Fail? Make Habits that Last!

What do you want to be different in the new year? Or, as it should be asked, “What habits do you want to change?”

Do you see what I did there? I think without me even explaining the reason I altered the question, your intuition probably knows why. 

Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail… by February!

Do you ever wonder why New Year’s resolutions fail? Why is it so hard to make a change you know is good? Part of understanding why resolutions fail is learning a little bit about habits. 

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The Ultimate Guide for Creating and Accomplishing Your 2023 Money Goals

It’s been a tough couple of years. Maybe you’re still facing long-term financial consequences from the pandemic. Maybe you relocated and are still figuring out your new city. Maybe your finances have you up at night because your investment portfolio is looking scarce these days.

Whatever you experienced this year or are currently facing, I hope you’re able to spend some time this season reflecting on the good. It can be hard to find the good - both personally and on a national level. But I promise you - there’s still some good out there.

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